Katie Lee

Chair in Cooperation with Orange

with Andrew Sainsbury

Exhibited in The Material Turn curated by Rebecca Coates

Consisting of three works:
Chair in Cooperation with Orange 2015, fan, formply, hessian, led light, masonite, orange, steel

Chair in Cooperation with Orange 2015 (extended) cord, fabric, fan, led light, plastic, rubber, timber

Chair in Cooperation with Orange 2015 (extended), cord, fan, led light, magnifying glass, rubber, timber

Photography: Christian Cappuro

Related links

Chair in Cooperation with Orange 2015, Katie Lee with Andrew Sainsbury
Chair in Cooperation with Orange 2015, fan, formply, hessian, led light, masonite, orange, steel

Chair in Cooperation with Orange 2015, Katie Lee with Andrew Sainsbury
Chair in Cooperation with Orange 2015, fan, formply, hessian, led light, masonite, orange, steel

Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, Katie Lee with Andrew Sainsbury
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, [left] cord, fabric, fan, led light, plastic, rubber, timber [right] cord, fan, led light, magnifying glass, rubber, timber
Chair in Cooperation with Orange_Katie Lee_Andrew Sainsbury_VCA_Margaret Lawrence_Christian Cappuro_7
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, cord, fabric, fan, led light, plastic, rubber, timber

Chair in Cooperation with Orange_Katie Lee_Andrew Sainsbury_VCA_Margaret Lawrence_Christian Cappuro_6    
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, cord, fabric, fan, led light, plastic, rubber, timber

Chair in Cooperation with Orange_Katie Lee_Andrew Sainsbury_VCA_Margaret Lawrence_Christian Cappuro_5
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, cord, fabric, fan, led light, plastic, rubber, timber

Chair in Cooperation with Orange_Katie Lee_Andrew Sainsbury_VCA_Margaret Lawrence_Christian Cappuro_4
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, cord, fabric, fan, led light, plastic, rubber, timber

Chair in Cooperation with Orange_Katie Lee_Andrew Sainsbury_VCA_Margaret Lawrence_Christian Cappuro_9
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, cord, fan, led light, magnifying glass, rubber, timber

Chair in Cooperation with Orange_Katie Lee_Andrew Sainsbury_VCA_Margaret Lawrence_Christian Cappuro_8
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, cord, fan, led light, magnifying glass, rubber, timber

Chair in Cooperation with Orange_Katie Lee_Andrew Sainsbury_VCA_Margaret Lawrence_Christian Cappuro_10
Chair in Cooperation with Orange (Extended) 2015, cord, fan, led light, magnifying glass, rubber, timber


Chair in Cooperation with Orange: Video Documentation

<iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/154270789″ width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href=”https://vimeo.com/154270789″>Chair in Cooperation (Extended)</a> from <a href=”https://vimeo.com/user5641230″>Katie Lee</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>